哥斯达黎加度假酒店,Mint Santa Theresa
发布于:2018-06-29 10:12  浏览:

Mint Santa Theresa栖身于一座陡峭的山坡上,是一间融合欧式美学和哥斯达黎加建造工艺的新式酒店。它为居住者打造了一处亲近自然,与邻为善的休憩环境。

Stepping down a steep hillside and overlooking the ocean, Mint Santa Theresa is a new hotel that blends a European design aesthetic with Costa Rican craftsmanship – created to ensure that guests can commune with nature, each other and local people.

▼酒店栖身于一座陡峭的山坡上,the hotel is stepping down a steep hillside and overlooking the ocean

瑞典业主为Santa Theresa的冲浪天堂和生机勃勃的瑜伽社区所狂热。因Studio Saxe在打造与热带雨林互动的建筑方面享有极高的声誉,此次几位业主找到设计师,希望他们参考希腊建筑,运用斯堪的纳维亚设计美学,打造出极简主义风格的酒店空间。酒店来客各自占有一处如凉亭般的空间,并享有一块私人的休闲区域,同时还可以享受与自然美景的亲切互动。宽敞的客房向户外私人露台充分开放,从这里,居住者既能远眺海洋美景,又能感受热带花园所营造的惬意氛围。即便是在浴室中,居住者也可轻易聆听到拍打的海浪声。

The Swedish owners fell in love with Santa Theresa as a surfing paradise, as well as its burgeoning yoga community. Inspired by Greek architecture, minimalism and Scandinavian design, they commissioned Studio Saxe who have developed a reputation for their approach to architecture that harmonises with tropical landscapes. Hotel residents occupy individual pavilion-like structures where they can retreat into a private zone and yet still interact with the nature around them. The spacious guest rooms can be opened up completely to a personal terrace with an ocean view to the front and a garden with tropical plants in the rear. Even the bathrooms have an open layout, giving the guests the opportunity to shower while listening to the sound of the crashing waves.

▼酒店来客各自占有一处如凉亭般的空间,hotel residents occupy individual pavilion-like structures

▼宽敞的客房向户外私人露台充分开放,the spacious guest rooms can be opened up completely to a personal terrace

▼步入客房的走廊,way to the hotel room

每间客房都拥有独立的户外露台,荫蔽在凉棚下,环绕在葱郁的天然植被之中。房间内的所有藤编家具均来自以手工艺闻名的哥斯达黎加小镇Sarchí。酒店设计全部采用本土材料,如用caña brava(一种草)打造的鱼骨架形态天花板。此外,本土工匠用当地材料倾力打造的定制家具,也彰显了传统技艺的创新性。

Each room is afforded its own rooftop terrace, complete with lush plants, a sail for shade and furnished with rattan furniture made in Sarchí, a Costa Rican town famous for its inhabitants’ craftsmanship. The architects have used locally-sourced materials throughout the project, such as in ceilings that are made of “caña brava” (a type of grass) installed in an intricate fishbone pattern. Local craftsmen have also created custom furniture made of local wood and using traditional techniques in new ways.

▼每间客房享有一块私人的休闲区域,each rooms enjoys a private zone

▼户外露台荫蔽在凉棚下,环绕在葱郁的天然植被之中,the rooftop terrace is complete with lush plants and a sail for shade

▼从露台可以眺望海洋美景,from the terrace, guests could enjoy an ocean view

Mint Santa Teresa酒店的核心空间是一处公共休息厅,这里配有宽敞的泳池和日落酒吧。此处的公共空间朝各个方向开放,其后侧的绿植屏障,让来访者在享受私隐环境的同时,也能感受到自然植被的环抱。休息厅也是游人、酒店所有者和当地居民的会面场所。清晨的公共长桌供应自助早餐,而傍晚这里又提供无限畅饮。Mint Santa Teresa酒店为旅人带来另一种旅行体验,它带领来访者探索最原汁原味的当地生活。

The heart of Mint Santa Teresa is the communal lounge area with its infinity pool and sunset bar. It is open on all sides save for a single wall of plants by the entrance, providing the guests with some privacy while maintaining the natural setting. The lounge serves as a meeting spot for guests, owners and locals of the area. In the morning, a breakfast buffet, is eaten at a communal table and later in the day stories are exchanged over drinks by sunset. The experience at Mint Santa Teresa is part of a new form of tourism, where visitors want to learn more about a destination and get a sense of what it is like to actually live there.

▼酒店的核心是一处公共休息厅,the heart of Mint Santa Teresa is the communal lounge area

▼公共空间朝各个方向开放,the communal lounge area is open on all sides

▼休息厅后侧的绿植屏障让来访者既享受私隐又感受到自然,a single wall of plants by the entrance, providing the guests with some privacy while maintaining the natural setting

▼公共休息厅配有宽敞的泳池和日落酒吧,the communal lounge area has infinity pool and sunset bar

Benjamin Garcia Saxe这样形容他的设计构思:“传统意义上的酒店设计仅仅是景观环境中的庞然大物,它们与周边景色无关,也缺乏真正意义上的人际交往关系。在这里,我们努力将酒店环境与自然景观建立联系,为那些渴望真实生活的游人们带去独特的旅行体验。我们致力于打造一系列与自然美景相关联的活动空间,将丰富的社交及文化活动与居住体验结合起来。并最终营造出独特的休闲度假氛围。”

Benjamin Garcia Saxe explains his vision: “Hotels traditionally became vast objects in the landscape that bear no relation to their surroundings and are devoid of genuine human interaction. At Mint, we endeavored to create a contextual design that adapts to its landscape and offers a new type of experience for a breed of traveler seeking authenticity. We worked hard on creating spaces that combine an appreciation of natural beauty with a rich array of possibilities for social and cultural interaction. The result is a completely unique way of thinking about hospitality and wellness.”

▼夜景,night view



▼公共休息厅,social area

▼户外私人露台平面,plan of terrace

▼客房平面,plan of room

